Yaron Brook om «The Decline of Art in Western Civilisation»

Søndag 1. desember holdt Yaron Brook to foredrag i Oslo, begge ble filmet av Magnus Hermansson. Ett av dem ble publisert her på Gullstandard for noen dager siden, og nå publiserer vi det andre opptaket. Her er en kort omtale av innholdet:

«By showing sculptures from ancient Egypt, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and our time, Dr. Brook showed how the view of man dominating in the culture manifested itself in major works of art. The static figures of ancient Egypt, the miserable creatures of the Middle Ages, the heroic figures of the Renaissance (works by Michelangelo), and today’s almost nonhuman human figures (works by Giacometti) shows how the view of man changed as the dominating philosophical ideas changed.»

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